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To: Darling YOu


an intentional


by managing your


with a skilled coach

Hi there,

I use to believe I could not have a life that I loved and I just accepted it. It felt like the truth. I could not see outside this belief.

I mostly ignored the small voice inside me that knew better.

On the outside, my life looked nearly perfect. On the inside, it did not feel anything like perfection.

I was slowly and surely cutting off all the oxygen over a period of 12 years.

When I finally found my way to the possibility of having a life that I loved, I knew I wanted to be a life coach.

Even with that kind of clarity, I didn't have the courage to do it right away. On my own, it took about 5 years to take the leap.

If I had a coach, trained like me, it would have accelerated my decision making process. I would have been able to see beyond my limiting beliefs that were inevitably holding me back.

Our primitive brains by design are very good at keeping us in the same place even when our desires are clear.

Life coaching shows you what is happening and why. The process is clear and simple but not done simply on your own.

Instead of taking days, weeks, months or years, life coaching makes it easy and efficient to be aware of your blind spots.

It gives you the complete picture so you can make an informed choice every day.

Over time when you know how to intentionally get the results you want, the trajectory of your life compounds like a consistently invested Roth IRA account. The returns are inconceivable.

I don't think my clients come explicitly to have a better relationship with themselves. However, this is has been the greatest benefit of being consistently coached myself.

When you keep putting off the life you want, you erode your ability to trust yourself.

When you learn how to move towards your truest desires, it's actually the most direct and efficient path forward.

While the first step towards something new may always feel uncomfortable, this is not a reason to stop. It likely means you are getting closer to something you want.

Sign up for a free consult and let's light up the path that shows you what is possible and how to get there.


I'm curious.

Free consult to explore how this works for me.

Your only obligation is to yourself.

I bring my own unique background to the art of life coaching. As a Korean American originally from Ohio, a mother of fraternal twin boys, a former costume designer who has worked in the US, Europe and Asia, and a daughter of immigrants who moved through an impossible fork in the road to become happily divorced, I show my clients what is possible through a process that is reliably mathematical and tapped into my innate creativity. I have the privilege of walking my clients to the juiciest version of themselves in a way that's only possible with me as their coach.

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